Frequently Asked Questions


So, you have some questions about this yoga thing?

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What is a private yoga class?

A private yoga class is a session where you practice yoga with a teacher one-on-one or with a small group of people you invite to attend. Private yoga classes provide a time for individualized instruction and attention. Classes can also be customized to focus on an area of interest or to address specific concerns.

How long Are your sessions?

Alexa’s standard sessions are 60 minutes and she is available for 45, 75 or 90 minute sessions upon request as needed.

WHat Is your cancellation policy?

All cancellations must be made at least 24 hours in advance. The full amount for the session will be charged if you do not cancel in time. All sales are final and non-transferable. Sessions valid for 6 months. No exceptions.

Do I need my Own yoga mat and props?

Yes! You will need a yoga mat! Alexa also recommends a blanket, yoga strap, bolster, and two yoga blocks. If you feel at a loss with this list, do not worry! Alexa has a “yoga starter package” you can purchase or can direct you to where to acquire the things you need.

How much does it cost?

Price varies based on class duration and number of students. Alexa also offers the purchase of multiple sessions at a discounted rate. She also offers a sliding scale for her services based on financial need. Please contact her for more information.

Do you offer virtual sessions?

Yes! While in-person instruction is ideal, in our current health crisis, Alexa has chose to offer live streaming classes to make the practice of yoga accessible while maintaining social distancing measures for health and safety. You can find Alexa’s current schedule here.


  • You must register for class at least 60 minutes before class to be guaranteed a place in the class.

  • All classes are taught using Zoom. Download Zoom to your smartphone or computer to participate — titled “ZOOM Cloud Meetings” in the App Store, or visit

  • At least fifteen minutes before class starts, check your email to access the class you selected. If you’re having trouble finding the email, please check your Promotions and/or Spam folder.

I have additional questions that are not covered here. How can I get more information?

Please use the contact form and send your questions Alexa’s way!